450 Lindbergh Ave
Livermore, CA 94551
Our Tutus and tap shoes program is a fun and educational class geared to dancers ages 2-5 years old. The class consist of a combination of tap and ballet. Usually we start the children with tap for the first half of class and switch to ballet in the middle of class. We incorporate games, props, and fun interactive music to teach children the basics of ballet and tap.
We require parents to seat in the lobby and view the class from our close circuit television. This assures that the class is not distracted and all the students can focus on the lesson given by the instructor.
Some children come into dance class ready to dance and join in on the fun. Other children are unsure, shy, or overwhelmed.
It is not uncommon for some children to cry when they come into the studio. Rest assure that this is not the end of your child’s dance experience. Often children just need to come to class on a regular basis and grow comfortable with the teacher, students, routine of taking class along with become comfortable with the idea that MOM or Dad will come back to get them once class is over. We have many students that have started out crying at the top of the lungs at the first month of classes and now they are the most outgoing child in class eager leave mom and dad and come to dance class. We recommend to following for first time tutu’s and tap shoes dance families.
- Come to class 5-10 mins prior to the start of class
This will give your dancer a chance to use the bathroom get familiar with the surroundings and easy into getting ready for class.
- Wear appropriate dancewear and shoes to class.
Avoid sending your student to class in clothing that will make them feel different than the other students. This includes costumes and fancy school clothes.
- Stick with it!
Don’t get discourage if your dancer comes to class and doesn’t dance or follow along. And if your child cries uncontrollably for their first few classes. Keep coming to class and get them into the habit of taking class. This idea is a process and for some students it takes time. Not all students are the same. We recommend that you give them at least 3-4 classes before you decide if dance is a good fit for them.
- Give the instructor a chance
It’s our instinct as parents to jump in and sooth or children when they cry or show signs of distress. Our instructors are trained and experienced, they have many techniques and different ways to help get your child engage and participate in class. Should your child become upset or distressed please Give the instructor the opportunity to sooth your child or engage with your child. The instructor will get your attention or bring your child to the lobby if she/he feels that the child needs to sit out and watch to calm down.