Registration / Tuition

2024-2025 NEW Tuition Schedule

Price Per Month (classes meet once per week)

30 Minute Class = $80 per month

45 Minute Class =$85 per month

60 Minute Class =$90 per month

Annual $30.00 Registration Fee

Drop-In Trial DANCE Class: $30.00

Family Rates: 5% discount off Sibling/Family Discount
Studio Rental fee: Call for details
Private lessons: Call for details

**If your student would like to drop a class, written notice must be provided 14 days prior to the end of the month in order to avoid tuition fees for the following month. Tuition for the current month must be paid.
Notice can be sent to or send to the office at
450 Lindbergh Ave  Livermore, CA 94551 during office hours.