450 Lindbergh Ave
Livermore, CA 94551
How often will Tutu’s & Tap Shoes class meet?
-Once a week.
Why are Some Tutu’s and Tap Shoes classes only 30 mins?
-We realize that the attention span of young children is usually short. Our Tutu’s and Tap Shoes classes for ages 2-3 are usually 30 mins long to accommodate for our young dancers. As dancers grow in age the time in class increases.
Should my child be potty trained before enrolling in class?
-We recommend that students are potty trained prior to joining the Tutu’s and Tap Shoes program. However, if you child is still in pull ups it is ok? We recommend that you arrive early to class so your dancer can us the bathroom before class begins.
Can I sit and watch my child from inside the class? -We require parents to seat in the lobby and view the class from our close circuit television. This assures that the class is not distracted and all the students can focus on the lesson given by the instructor.
What if my child cries in class? Does this mean my child does not like dance class?
-It is not uncommon for some children to cry when they come into the studio. Rest assure that this is not the end of your child’s dance experience. Often children just need to come to class on a regular basis and grow comfortable with the teacher, students, routine of taking class along with become comfortable with the idea that MOM or Dad will come back to get them once class is over. We have many students that have started out crying at the top of the lungs at the first month of classes and now they are the most outgoing child in class eager leave mom and dad and come to dance class. Give your dancer at least 3-4 classes before you decide if dance is a good fit for them.